The Technology Umbilical Cord

Technology is redefining businesses in every sector across the world, from our local high streets to Wall Street and everything in between. Digital Transformation isn’t a passing phase, it’s a process that will continue as people, businesses and the world grows and evolves.

The impact can be seen from the smallest of SME’s right through to Corporate Enterprises and the Public Sector. Hairdressers use technology to power their booking process and to ensure their clients can quite comfortably sit and browse the internet and check-in to social media platforms.  Some local councils use chatbots to provide a good customer experience and many offer online payment systems for school dinners etc. All of these initiatives enabled by technology.

Cloud Communications (a fancy term for computers based in data dentres across the world) are delivering much sought after business applications that simplify and increase efficiencies for all businesses, irrespective of size or sector.

We are all (well, almost all of us) utilising numerous cloud applications in our private lives from the likes of Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook to name a few. It is now inconceivable, that we don’t demand the same experience in our working lives.


There is a critically important part of all this online feeding frenzy that a lot of people fail to grasp – 'The Technology Umbilical Cord'. Essentially connectivity to the Cloud.

If this fails it doesn’t matter how good your data centre is, where it is located or how many resilient contingencies it has in place, or whether it is Tier 1 billion rated.

If the internet connection to your premises fails, it won’t be longbefore your business feels the impact – financially and commercially, and sometimes may never recover.

As more and more businesses move their key systems into the Cloud the majority still fail to understand and fully take on board the changing landscape of their business in line with the market forces that change how we operate and interact with our customers and supply chains in this 'always on society'.

Most people will be well aware of the ongoing noise around superfast broadband, this is what we at Commsworld refer to as 'The Technology Umbilical Cord to the Cloud'.  This 'simple' connection to the internet is, in my opinion, the single most important technology in your business, regardless if you are large corporate bank or local SME.

Connectivity can make or break a business.

So why do business owners and managers pay so little attention to this 'mission critical' business technology and in a lot of cases spend more time, effort and money on buying coffee for the office?

Like all products from all sectors there is a huge variant on quality, price and reliability of availability in the market.  Superfast broadband is simply a generic term for a multiple of offerings in the sector that at times could best be described as “have I got a deal for you” with business owners looking for the best (cheapest) deal out there.

Remember if YOUR Technology Umbilical Cord to the Cloud fails, so could your business – the cloud is only as good as your connectivity.

By all means buy your coffee with 'have I got a deal for you' mentality, after all you can go a few hours, days, weeks without coffee…

Ricky Nicol, CEO